The Parents Are Not OK
Sign up here. Parents, we get you. None of you signed up for parenting in a pandemic. Coming to church meant exposing your children to more people and more hours in a mask. So you stayed home and wondered if you were missed. Your family has experienced financial,...Maundy Thursday Worship Service
Maundy Thursday Service The first installment in the Holy Week Three-Days Service,” recalls the new commandment (mandatum novum) that Jesus gives to his disciples in John 13:34, “that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”...
Shine! A Light For All Nations
Sermon Series in 2022 In this series that spans from Baptism of Our Lord Sunday to the Transfiguration, we see how the light of Christ reached outsiders from the beginning and grow over time, lighting the dark places throughout our world and in our own hearts....Obituary- Erhard Klar
Dr. Erhard Klar of Raleigh NC passed away on October 31, 2021 aged 89. He was preceded in death by his wife Almut in 1972, his son Oliver in 2006, and his daughter Stef Slaton earlier in 2021. Pop/Grandpa, as he was affectionately known by his family, is survived by...