July 16, 2023
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 103; Mathew 6:12-15

“God’s Gift of Forgiveness”  – If you haven’t seen the 1989 movie, Field of Dreams, in a while, consider watching it again. It’s about a man who built a magical baseball field — a field of redemption, second chances, and forgiveness. We may not be able to build a magical field, but through the grace of God, we can build a place within our hearts where forgiveness can happen.

Sunday School Options (9:45-10:45)

Children’s Sunday School: Meets as usual.

Youth: Mr. Danny will lead break-out discussions with the youth who join in with the Faith in Film Sunday School.

Lost and Found class meets as usual. 108-110
Faith in Film Summer Sunday School: Room 200

Using clips from ” Cast Away,” Pastor Mitzi leads a discussion of Psalm 139:1-12 and considers the scriptural question, “Where Can I Go from Your Spirit?”

To participate in worship online, join us live on the Soapstone UMC YouTube channel.  A recorded version is available shortly after the worship service concludes.