Longest Night:
Light in Our DarknessJesus said, “Now is your time for grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” – John 16:22

Feeling Blue? Come worship with us on the Longest Night Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm at our Chapel located 10301 Old Creedmoor Road.
For many, the weeks before Christmas mean the celebration of the hope, love, joy, and peace of Jesus’ incarnation; but for those struggling with pain, loss, grief, or sadness, the festivity, bright colors, and glittering lights of Advent can make an inner darkness feel even darker. If that describes you or someone you care about, we hope that you will attend our Longest Night service on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm at our Chapel located 10301 Old Creedmoor Road.
This service on the longest, ‘darkest’ night of the year testifies to the struggles of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus that are often overlooked. It recognizes that for many the holidays are not a time of joy. Mourning does not magically go away when the Christmas tree goes up. In fact, the loss of a loved one is often accentuated by their absence from family gatherings. Parties can make the lonely feel even lonelier. Lavish décor and the pressure to purchase expensive gifts, can make those who have suffered economic challenges feel even more dispirited.
In the midst of this pain, the Longest Night service provides a safe place of rest and comfort. Candles, meditative music, psalms of lament, prayers for healing, and blessings create a welcoming worship space and the recognition that Jesus Christ walks with us always. If you know someone who needs a safe place to worship this season, why not invite them and be present with them for the service? Your compassion might well be the most important Christmas gift they receive this year.