“Company’s Coming!”

Advent 2023 at Soapstone UMC

Who doesn’t like Advent? It is a season of excitement, anticipation, and joy. Lots and lots of joy. Even when we acknowledge that we aren’t ready for the realm that is promised and the kin-dom we hope for, even when we admit we’ve become wrapped up in ourselves and in things that don’t last, even when our brokenness comes to light, and our healing stretches our capacity to hope, there is joy. Joy in the seeking and the longing, joy in the remembering and in the anticipation of the one who comes. The joy erupts, not because it will be an easy welcome—there is work to be done and transformation to occur — but the joy is there, because deep down we know that the one who is coming is the one we have been longing for. So, join us this Advent, because “Company Is Coming.”