Please consider part of your stewardship and spiritual giving two of the recently created endowments funds that benefit our missions, ministries, and continued Christian worship at Soapstone UMC.
The reasons for giving are many and varied. Simply put, God has blessed each of us. A gift to any endowment fund is a blessing that will keep on giving.
Legacy Giving and Permanent Endowment Fund Committee
With the advent of three new endowment funds and with guidance from The Book of Discipline, Soapstone UMC has created a team to manage and provide oversight of Soapstone’s endowment funds.
This new team, the Legacy Giving and Permanent Endowment Committee, is to provide, not only management and oversight, but also education and emphasis on planned-giving and endowment funds.
Additional responsibilities include publishing the Heritage Endowment Fund annual report. This annual report will include sections on the fund’s financial performance, projects selected by the Trustee committee, and a list of gifts/bequests made “in honor of” or “in memory” of the giver or of an estate.
This committee will comprise of six members; one representative from each of the Trustee, Finance, Stewardship, and Mission committees, and two at large members. This committee will meet 2-4 times a year, or more frequently as needed.
More information on this committee’s guidance and responsibilities can be found in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (paragraph 2534) or see the Pastor.
Click here to make online donations to these funds or contact the church office for more information.