Children's Ministry
Ages birth - Grade 5
Sunday Activities at Soapstone UMC for Children
Seasonal Fun for Children
Tween’s Ministry
4th & 5th graders are invited to gather a few times per year to hang out and complete mission projects together. Read more and sign up for those events here.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday, 9:45- 10:45 am in the backfield
All children are invited to bring their Easter baskets to church on Easter Sunday and join in an exciting egg hunt.
Children’s Musical
The SUMC kids work on a program from January to May and on Mother’s Day weekend the kids perform a special Spring Musical. Each year is different with a different message all relating to God, community, and service. To see our last musical visit our
Children’s Musical page.
Vacation Bible School
Ages 3 through grade 5
Summertime brings with it an opportunity to include our neighbors and preschool families in Vacation Bible School. At Soapstone our fun-filled Vacation Bible School (VBS) program connects the children with God through a creative theme. Our week consists of games, snacks, crafts, science, and, of course, Bible stories.
Visit our VBS page for more information.
Trunk or Treat
Sunday before Halloween, 5 – 6:30 pm
Soapstone family and friends come out with decorated trunks and greet children with candy and treats. Families are invited to come dressed in costumes and visit each trunk for treats and they even get to vote on the decorated trunks. The winning trunk gets a prize. This is one of our favorite events as we get to interact with our community kids as well as SUMC kids.
Live Nativity
Monday & Tuesday before Christmas, 5:30-6:30 pm
The community is invited to a special Drive Through Nativity complete with 5 scenes our church members create: The Census, Angel appears to Mary, No room at the Inn, Shepherds, and the Manger. Cars can drive through and use a QR code to listen to a recording explaining what is happening in each scene. The cars enter through the Creedmoor road entrance and exit onto Norwood road. Watch a video of our first
Drive Through Nativity here.
Christmas Eve Pageant
Christmas Eve pageant 4:30 pm
Kids get to dress up with a headpiece (angels, shepherds, animals, all headpieces are provided) and help tell the Christmas story. During the last song, we all sing Silent Night and hold up glow sticks as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Safe Sanctuary: Soapstone is committed to providing a safe and fun place for our children and their families to worship and learn about God. To learn more about how we provide a Safe Sanctuary for you and your children, please check out our Safe Sanctuary Policy here.

Danny Peck
Director of Family Ministries, Soapstone UMC