Good Friday Worship Service

Good Friday Worship Service

Good Friday Service The second installment in the Service of the Great Three Days (Triduum) commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. A Service of Tenebrae or “Darkness” is based on a twelfth-century late-night service and is an extended...

Lenten Worship Schedule

Lenten Worship Schedule Join Us for Worship throughout Lent and Holy WeekOnline on our Soapstone UMC YouTube channel  any time.  Ash Wednesday Walk-Up AshesMarch 5, 7:30-9:30 am and 4:30-6 pm, Norwood Entrance Sidewalk. Park and walk up to receive ashes and prayer as...

Laity Sunday

Where did the video of the Laity Sunday go? On October 16, our Lay Sunday  speaker, long-time Soapstone UMC member Cathy Knowles spoke from her heart about five theological issues that have caused her to wrestle with God and faith as well as her present thoughts on...

Brunch Church

Brunch Church “Eating as worship” dates all the way back to Jesus and the early church who broke bread and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. Jesus often gathered at tables to welcome strangers, befriend those on the margins, and proclaim the...
Thanks for asking

Thanks for asking

“Faith does not eliminate questions, but faith knows where to take them.” – Elisabeth Elliot, author Have you ever thought, “I wish I could hear a sermon on ______?” Maybe for you, it’s angels, or alcohol, evolution, divorce, women, infertility, other faiths,...
The Parents Are Not OK

The Parents Are Not OK

Sign up here. Parents, we get you. None of you signed up for parenting in a pandemic. Coming to church meant exposing your children to more people and more hours in a mask. So you stayed home and wondered if you were missed. Your family has experienced financial,...