“Faith does not eliminate questions, but faith knows where to take them.” – Elisabeth Elliot, author

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could hear a sermon on ______?” Maybe for you, it’s angels, or alcohol, evolution, divorce, women, infertility, other faiths, food, violence, pacifism. Methodism. Maybe there are also specific hymns or praise songs, you’d like to sing. In August, during a sermon series called “Glad You Asked!” you may get your wish … IF you take a moment to give me your feedback on this form! Form closes on May 30.

Typically, our Sunday worship aligns with the three-year cycle of scriptural readings called the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). The RCL prescribes specific Old Testament, Epistle, Psalm, and Gospel streams for each week. I usually choose a stream and swim in it for 4-6 weeks. Right now, it’s Acts. Following the RCL ensures we read a large swath of scripture, not just favorite passages, and also expands the range of issues I preach about.

In the summer, however, I like to swing the door wide and explore topics and passages that don’t come up in the RCL very often. So, open the form, answer a few questions, and the topics we explore and songs we sing in August and beyond might just be the ones you asked for!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mitzi