Soup, Chili, and Dessert Sale

Soup, Chili, and Dessert Sale

The Soapstone Youth invites everyone to stop in the Narthex February 12 and purchase soup, chili, and/or dessert. Cash, credit cards, and checks will be excepted. The money collected will be used to support Youth Mission’s. If you would like to support the youth...

Mission Madness 2024

Soapstone UMC Serves And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 Soapstone UMC ServesOn Saturday, March 2, 2024 we partnered with five organizations in our community.  There were a number of ways to...

A Note from Ms. Jess

January 13, 2023 Registration is almost here, y’all.  Somehow, someway, it always creeps up on us right after the holidays and then all of sudden – it’s here. I know I’m a preschool director, but I’m also a person, too (haha) and I’ve always found it a...

Lenten Devotionals

Lenten Devotional In keeping with our focus for the year on hospitality, the Adult Council has recommended a devotion series entitled “Graceful Hospitality” for this season of Lent. This devotional series was authored by members of the North Carolina...

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper  Shrove Tuesday is the day of using upindulgent baking ingredients before Lenten fasting, a day when early Christians confessed and were “shriven” (absolved) from their sins. Join us on Shrove Tuesday March 4, 5:30-7 pm, for food,...

A Note From Ms. Jess

October 28, 2022 Five years ago, my kids wanted to be the PJ Mask kids for Halloween. My husband and I dressed up as the villains (of course) and to make my Luna Girl costume perfect, I bought a cheap, short, white-blond wig at the Halloween store.  The second I put...