Advent Devotional
We invite you to an encounter with the spirit of God as you explore the pages of this devotional book written by the community of Soapstone United Methodist Church. This devotional offers stories and reflections from the lives of our church family. The devotional focuses on Advent, a season of anticipation, reflection, and hope.

You can download a free devotional here, or contact the office to print one for $3,
or use the links provided below for each day.
Advent marks the beginning of the Christian calendar and invites us to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s birth. The word Advent comes from the Latin adventus, meaning “coming” or “arrival.” During these weeks leading up to Christmas, we remember not only the first coming of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem but also His promised return as King.
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness—decorations, shopping, and countless commitments. Yet, Advent offers us a sacred pause, a chance to slow down and refocus on the true meaning of Christmas. It is a time to prepare—not just our homes, but our hearts—for the greatest gift ever given: God’s love in human form.
This devotional book is designed to guide you through the weeks of Advent, helping you meditate on Scripture, reflect on God’s promises, and respond with faith and gratitude. Each entry includes a passage from the Bible, a short reflection, and a prayer to help center your thoughts on Christ.
As you journey through this Advent season, may you find time to be still, to listen, and to embrace the joy of God’s presence. Let these moments of reflection lead you to deeper awe and gratitude for the miracle of Christmas.
Let’s embark on this sacred journey together, preparing our hearts for Christ’s coming—both in the manger and in the future glory of His return.
“Come, let us adore Him!”
This year, in place of Sunday devotionals during Advent, we invite you to participate in a new experience called the Care Campaign. On the Sunday page in the devotional book, you will find three challenges you can participate in. The challenges center around one of 4 themes: Creation Care, Encouraging People, Acts of Service, or Gift Giving. There are three challenges each week to allow participants flexibility to choose from different degrees of difficulty. The challenges will be identified as: Easier, Average, and More Difficult. You may complete one of every challenge each week.
Once you complete the challenges we ask that you send a brief summary of your experience to Pastor Damion so that we might share your experience with others. Thanks, and enjoy.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Care Campaign
Interpreting Dreams “This short passage comes from the story of Joseph’s life in the book of …” Read more here. |
The Bigger Picture “Promised a future of hope, even in a moment of despair…” Read more here. |
What if I Missed It?
Read more here. |
High Hopes
Read more here. |
The Villain in Us “Sometimes it is important to acknowledge we are imperfect and ugly…” Read more here. |
Separating Goood from the Bad “There will be a division- just like the shepherd divides…” Read more here. |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Care Campaign | The Power of Forgiveness “We are ALL forgiven and loved and in the words of a dear friend…” Read more here. |
Transformed by God “Just like the Father’s love cast out the fear of a young child…” Read more here. |
An Unlikely Gift “Advent is a time of preparing ourselves spiritually …” Read more here. |
A Peculiar Place “Though the prophet Micah had been reminding the people of Israel that God was continuing to hold them accountable…” Read more here. |
The Invitation “This parable is the story of a host and a banquet….” Read more here. |
Curiosity “”I wonder…” Who of us can’t remember some wonderful …” Read more here. |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
Care Campaign | Joy “Every year on Epiphany, we hear Matthew’s story of…” Read more here. |
Looking for a Sign “There are signs everywhere around us,…” Read more here. |
Divine Encounters “The Holy Trinity is both mysterious and necessary to reveal …” Read more here. |
Modern-Day Shepherds “What did you want to be when you grew up…” Read more here. |
When God Shows Up “In Bible study this year, we are asking…” Read more here. |
The Unlikely Person “The Book of Acts describes the growth of the…” Read more here. |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
Care Campaign | Holiday Peace “Jesus is calling all believers to come follow…” Read more here. |
29 | 30 | 31 | ||||