Youth Mission Week

August 12-16

For those that have completed grades 6- 12

Soapstone has been partnering with Carolina Rebuilding Ministry for several years, and this year we will be bringing a youth team to work with them on their mission of “rebuilding homes & sharing hope, making low-income eastern NC homes dry, safe and secure.”

A few details are shared below. We will continue to update as we find out more info getting closer to the week. We have lots of church members who attend these trips throughout the year, feel free to reach out to the office or Danny to find out a list of people you can catch up with to reference what this trip will look like. They will all tell you how life-giving this week will be!

Work team youth and adult volunteers are needed as well as coordinators. We need a Work Team Coordinator, a Food Coordinator,  and a Free- time Coordinator. We will all meet before we leave to make sure we are all on the same page and help each other as needed.

We will be staying at the Carolina Rebuilding Site which is formerly the Bertie County High School. The classrooms have been turned into bunk rooms complete with beds for the volunteers. The science room has been redesigned as bathrooms complete with showers. There is a commercial-size kitchen that we will have access to as well as the gym and all of the outdoor spaces for extra activities when we are not working.

What to bring:
-Bedding, twin sheets and/or a sleeping bag, and a pillow.
-Toiletries, including a bath towel, maybe shower shoes if you would like.
-Your best attitude!!
-A detailed list will be provided the week before we leave.

Register here!

Here are a few pictures from previous trips. This will be our first youth trip and we hope it won’t be the last.