Worship on Sundays

Soapstone UMC welcomes ALL to worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 11:00 am.

Learn more about our 8:30 and 11:00 am services here

March 30, 2025
8:30 & 11 am Worship Services
4th Sunday in Lent

Joshua 5:9-12; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Pastor Suzanne will preach.
“So, So Hungry”

Are you dying of hunger?  Are you separated from something precious to you?  Are you seeking God’s forgiveness?  Are you hungry?

We will gather on Sunday morning to look deeper into the story of the Prodigal Son. We will be reminded of the amazing, gracious mystery of God’s love in Christ, how God seeks the lost, how God waits for our homecoming and how God embraces all of us who hunger for connection.

There is no Kids Rock or Youth Group this Sunday! 

Participate in worship online, join us live on the Soapstone UMC YouTube channel.  A recorded version is available shortly after the worship service concludes.

Rev. Dr. Suzanne Cobb

Rev. Dr. Suzanne Cobb

Interim Lead Pastor

Rev. Dr. Daymion Quaye

Rev. Dr. Daymion Quaye

Associate Pastor