Warmth for Wake
The Soapstone United Methodist Men invite all Soapstone Men and Women to participate in a Warmth for Wake Service event in January every year.

Warmth for Wake is a seasonal energy assistance outreach program that is sponsored by Wake County Health & Human Services. The goal of the program is to provide fuel to low-income residents of Wake County during the coldest winter months. About a dozen of our congregation served at Everett Farm to chop and haul wood for those in need.
Info on the event:
The Soapstone United Methodist Men invite all Soapstone Men and Women to participate in a Warmth for Wake Service event during the morning of Saturday, January 18.
Participants are asked to sign-up in advance by Monday, January 13.
Meet at Everett Farm 7044 Wildlife Trail, Raleigh, NC 27613 at 8:30am. Work typically ends sometime between 11:00-11:30am. Feel free to bring a family member or friend.
Note: All Volunteers must be Age 16 or older.
1) Dress in layers to do yard work outdoors.
2) Any personal items that you can bring to help are much appreciated. Axes, mauls, splitter, wheelbarrow, rake, shovel, chainsaw, truck, or trailer. If you do not have any of those items, don’t worry. Please come out to help.
3) If this Service event needs to be canceled due to inclement weather, efforts will be made to notify all volunteers via email.
4.) Warmth for Wake release forms will need to be signed by all volunteers. These will be sent out to the volunteers via email prior to and will also be available the day of the Warmth for Wake event or fill yours out here.