VBS 2025, July 20th-24thEmbark on an exciting journey with Road Trip VBS, based on Joshua 1:9 – “The LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Discover God’s presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God’s goodness together. Our travelers will go on a fun-filled adventure on the open road to exciting destinations and learn that God is always with them.
Soapstone VBS is for all children ages 3 through fifth grade!
We do have morning and evening sessions depending on your child’s age and grade. Please see below for specific information for each session.
Mark your calendars:
VBS 2025 Kick-off will be at 5 pm on Sunday, July 20.
Morning and Evening Sessions will be July 21-24.
We welcome all VBS Travelers to come back to participate in worship with us on Sunday, July 27 at 11 am.
Morning Session Details:
9:30 am until noon
Children Age 3- Kindergarten, Cost: $50 $40 until Jul 1
Evening Session Details:
6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Children Grades Kindergarten through 5th grade, Cost: $15 $10 until Jul 1
General Info
- 3 year olds must be 3 by VBS start date.
- Children who have completed or are currently enrolled in Kindergarten have the option of attending either the morning or evening VBS.
- All class sizes are based on safe adult/child ratios. Registration for individual classes will close as we reach capacity and children will be placed on a waiting list.
- The morning classes are staffed by paid Preschool Staff who are CPR/First-aid certified.
- The evening classes are filled with at least 2 adults and one youth volunteer.
- ALL staff and volunteers must complete a Safe Sanctuary training before the VBS start date.
- If cost is an issue, please contact Danny Peck.
Volunteer Information
We strongly rely on volunteers and donations to ensure that all children participating in VBS have a positive experience. There are various ways to give your support this year including decorating, preparing snacks, purchasing supplies, floating throughout the building during each session and so much more.
- Families are invited to our VBS kickoff!
- The children will be singing in worship at the 11:00 am service, the Sunday after VBS.
- We will be taking photographs and videos throughout the week that will be used in our publications and website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please contact the church office.