April  2025

Remember that our creation justice work of restoration, regeneration, and renewal grows from God’s gift of the Resurrection, the Easter-faith that sustains us in our lives and our calling to love both Creator and Creation.

“Our Power, Our Planet,” the theme of Earth Day 2025, invites everyone around the globe to unite behind renewable energy. The gifts of God—sun, wind, oceans, and land—are there for us and with us. Using them rather than continuing with fossil fuels will save our planet. Join with others and use your power—your voice, your actions, your advocacy—to love Earth.

Take 10 minutes to watch Chasing Arrows: The Truth About RecyclingThe “arrows” are the recycle sign—often a source of great confusion. Discover the truth about recycling. What is really recyclable. What happens after it’s collected. What solutions we need to pursue. With this knowledge, you’ll be better able to love Earth every time you recycle. 

When trees live, they absorb carbon dioxide (as a “carbon sink”) and produce life-giving oxygen. But when trees burn, they release CO2 into the atmosphere, adding greenhouse gases that negatively affect our climate. Wildfires devastate land, habitats, and homes. As an expression of your love for Earth, wholeheartedly support organizations that replant trees after wildfires.

Go local. Connect with neighbors and community organizations to understand the environmental challenges and opportunities specific to your area. Then use your united people power to have a heart to heart with local officials to get the change that’s needed. Show your love for Earth.

Buy community renewables. Not every home, business, or development can go all solar or put up a wind farm, but more utilities and private companies are offering power from shared renewables for a buy-in. Lower your monthly electricity costs, support the expansion of clean energy sources, and show some love from your heart to Earth.
Follow your heart and invest in the future. Choose what you can: solar and wind, energy-efficient appliances, hybrid or electric vehicles, voting for electric public transit, quality and long-lasting fashion made of natural textiles, insurance and banks that do not support fossil fuels. Let God use your financial resources, your love, and your power to aid the healing of Earth and the righting of injustices.

One youth celebrated his birthday with a litter pick-up party for his “adopted” street. The friends snagged the trash, bagged it, weighed it, photographed it, and spread the story to encourage and challenge others to do better about caring for our home. Cake, music, and fun followed—a joyous celebration of one person with a heart of gold, showing how to love Earth.

Take heart this Earth Day—our Creator God has gifted us with an amazing planet, complete with renewable sources of the power that will help all people have access to better health and enough of what is needed. Uniting and raising our voices, we can bring about that vision and show hearts filled with love for Earth.
Green up your closet. Purchase items from brands that make sustainable clothing. Visit local thrift or consignment shops, which often offer unique, gently worn, or even new garments at a lower price than retail. Donate clothes that no longer fit or send your worn-out textiles to ReTold. You’ll love the new you and you’ll be loving Earth too.

The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement is providing these Tips
as a tool to equip church members, families, and individuals to respond to God’s call to care for creation and do justice with our neighbors.
For more about the UM Creation Justice Movement, go to 