Soapstone UMC Safe Gathering Guidelines 

Soapstone UMC’s Safe Gathering Guidelines are established by our “Resurrection Committee” (Church Council, Pastor Mitzi, and staff). All guidelines are informed by guidance from the State of NC (including the NC Department of Health and Human Services, particularly with regard to children), Wake County, and Raleigh. We also consider CDC guidance. Guidelines are subject to revision as local conditions change. Questions, concerns, or comments may be submitted to

Children’s Ministry: 
We require Children’s Ministry volunteers to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Masking is voluntary for children and teachers/caregivers. If you would like for your child to wear a mask, please speak with your child’s teacher/caregiver, who will make every effort to support your choice. 

In the case of exposure to Covid, volunteers wishing to continue volunteering should test on Day 5 after the exposure. If the result is negative, they may return to volunteering. Masks are required for children and un-boosted volunteers who work with children returning to church after a COVID exposure (10 days post-last date of exposure). 


  1. Masking: As of Sunday, February 27, 2022, masking at Soapstone is voluntary, and highly encouraged for those who are unvaccinated.
  2. Social Distancing: During worship services, we will provide a socially distanced “Mask Required” section in the Sanctuary for those who prefer it. Remember that many people prefer to keep social distance. When in doubt, provide more distance or ask.
  3. Holy Communion: The Worship Committee will decide the safest means for serving Holy Communion.
  4. Small Groups: Groups meeting in person are encouraged to offer a hybrid option when possible.
  5. Children: Based on guidance from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, masking is now voluntary for all children and teachers/caregivers. If you would like for your child to wear a mask, please speak with your child’s teacher/caregiver, who will make every effort to support your choice. Masks are required for children and volunteers who work with children returning to church after a COVID exposure (10 days post-last date of exposure). 
  6. Youth Group Travel: Youth group participants attending events in any venue in any location, will abide by the strictest of the venue’s, the local government’s, or Soapstone’s mask and distancing guidelines.