This page provides resources for those wishing to understand why some UMC churches have chosen to disaffiliate from our denomination. As the lay leadership of our Church Council has announced, Soapstone UMC has no plans to consider such a path.

Read the Church Council’s statement here.

We are a people who engage deeply in scriptural conversation and hold a variety of views on many issues of faith, while we continue to love one another and sit side by side to worship our Triune God. We are weathering this time of denominational upheaval with resilience and faithfulness to our membership vows “to be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church, and to do all in our power to strengthen its ministries.”

Our congregation remains focused on longtime missional priorities such as reaching out to children and people on the margins, caring deeply for our church family, growing in Christlikeness through worship and study, and making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.   

-Pastor Mitzi Johnson

Fall, 2022

The State of the United Methodist Church and Connection An overview of the issues with a personal reflection by Pastor Mitzi.

News Articles
Both of these articles provide accessible summaries of the history of the issues at stake and conversations happening within NC churches.
Yeoman, Barry. “Schism in the Body,” The Assembly. 8/02/2022 [References are to the Western NC Conference but much of the information applies to NCCUMC.]

Williams, Jimmy. “Methodists in midst of split: Churches diverge.” 8/3/2022 [The conversations happening at Swansboro UMC, an NCCUMC church.]

NC Conference Web Page on Disaffiliation
The NC Conference Disaffiliation Process & Information page

Communications from the NC Conference and Bishop
From the Bishop: From Mourning to Morning 10/27/22
Annual Conference Special Called Session
From the Bishop: What Does the Lord Require? 9/8/22
Bishop Fairley Calls Special Session of AC at Methodist University, 8/22/22
Looking to the Future, 8/22/2022
From the Bishop: Building on the Solid Rock, 8/4/2022
From the Bishop: A New Season for the People Called United Methodist, 7/14/2022

What does this mean for my church? (An official document from the NC Conference on the current options available for churches in this season of our life together.)

History of the UMC and Human Sexuality (An official document from the NC Conference on the background and history of the church’s debate on human sexuality.)

#BeUMC resources and testimonials

You May Have Heard

Communications from the UMC
What is the UMC and What Do We Believe?

This slide show provides an excellent summary of core UMC beliefs, how the Church is organized, a description of who we are as United Methodists — how we live the Gospel, make disciples, and invite all people to belonging and inclusion. It also describes how the UMC’s 12 million members work together in connection to influence transformation and make a positive impact on the world.

Is the UMC really? … 

This article from “Ask The UMC” misperceptions or misinformation that some congregations are receiving as they are discerning their next steps. This article focuses on matters relating to theology, pensions, and benefits.

What We Believe: Our Christian Roots
What is the UMC Trust Clause?
We Are Certain  (4 minute Video)
These next three videos address disaffiliation (important to understand the truths and correct misinformation) and the Way Forward:  

Lovett Weems  (14 minutes)
Leaders of OUR Annual Conference
WAY forward