Worship Services
Soapstone UMC welcomes ALL to worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 11:00 am.

We are a Lighthouse Congregation of the North Carolina Conference of the UMC, remaining a part of the UMC, and serving those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure. Read more here.
8:30 am Modern Praise Service
Gather for a more relaxed, casual style of worship with modern music provided by our Praise Team which includes all kinds of instruments and voices.
Come as you are! This service is earlier and will have you ready to start your week feeling closer to God and community.

11:00 am Traditional Service
The 11:00 service offers a more traditional worship style with liturgy, a chancel choir, congregational hymns, and clerical robes. Though traditional, it is not overly formal, and people gather together in a fun, friendly atmosphere to explore God’s word and grow together as a faith community.

Experience our 8:30 am Modern Worship in these videos.
Experience our 11 am Traditional Worship in these videos.
Special Services
Several times per year Soapstone UMC worships with one service at 10:00 am.
Mother’s Day, Sunday before July 4th, Sunday before Thanksgiving, and the Sunday after Christmas.
Read more about these below.