Preschool Programs
At Soapstone Preschool, we pride ourselves in our play-based philosophy. Our program curriculum is designed using the guidelines set forth in the North Carolina Foundations of Early Learning and Development (NCFELD). Please see each age-group below for a specialized curriculum map. Please note: instruction will look different classroom-classroom and even year-to-year based on the needs of the individual children.
North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development
Curriculum Map – Toddler’s/2’s/3’s
The toddler class will participate in the following activities during the year:
- Fostering curiosity about the world around them
- Building new friendships/relationships
- Using their whole body to learn
- Exploring a variety of art and sensory materials
- Building with blocks
- Moving to music
- Simple games
- Playing and exploring the outdoors
- Engaging in pretend play
- Listening to rhymes and stories
- Celebrating birthdays and holidays
The toddler class will strengthen their development in the following:
- Showing curiosity about things in their environment
- Showing pleasure in new skills learned
- Using toys/ objects to explore cause/effect
- Gaining self-esteem and self-confidence
- Use their senses to explore the world around them
- Trying unfamiliar things and interacting with new people
- Finding comfort in familiar surroundings
- Learning to share and take turns
- Asking for help
- Playing alongside others
- Expressing appropriate choices through action or the use of simple language
- Learning to maintain attentiveness and focus
- Developing a positive sense of identity and self-awareness
- Forming friendships
- Respecting others
- Following simple directions
- Using simple language to communicate needs
- Building large muscle control/ strength
- Mastering pre-reading skills utilizing familiar rhymes and stories
Curriculum Map – Toddler’s/2’s/3’s
The 2-year-old classes will participate in the following activities during the year:
- Fostering curiosity and expressing interest in the world around them
- Exploring a variety of art and sensory materials
- Building with blocks
- Moving to music and rhythms
- Playing and exploring the outdoors
- Learning about their world through science
- Engaging in pretend play
- Listening to rhymes and stories
- Hearing God’s word in Chapel
- Celebrating birthdays and holidays
The 2-year old classes will strengthen their development in the following:
- Discovering things in their environment that interest them
- Gaining self-esteem and self-confidence
- Use their whole body to learn about the world around them
- Separating with little to no anxiety
- Learning to share and take turns
- Playing alongside others
- Engaging in pretend play
- Developing a sense of independence
- Using resources within their environment to solve a problem
- Expressing appropriate choices through action or the use of simple language
- Maintaining attentiveness and focus
- Developing a positive sense of identity and self-awareness
- Forming friendships
- Respecting others
- Following simple directions
- Using simple language to communicate needs
- Building large muscle control/ strength
- Mastering pre-reading skills utilizing familiar rhymes, imitating special language in storybooks
Curriculum Map – Toddler’s/2’s/3’s
The 3-year old classes will participate in the following activities during the year:
- Creating original artwork
- Using blocks and accessories to create structures and engage in pretend play
- Hearing God’s word in Chapel
- Preparing special snacks
- Going on field trips
- Celebrating birthdays and holidays
- Moving to music and rhythms
- Sharing with the class
- Playing and exploring outdoors
- Listening to and engaging in rhymes and stories
- Counting and sorting manipulatives
- Completing simple puzzles
- Learning about their world through science
The 3-year old classes will strengthen their development in the following:
- Discovering things that interest them and sharing their interests with peers
- Use a variety of senses and resources to explore the world around them
- Utilizing problem solving skills to explore different ways of doing things to see how they work
- Getting along with peers and playing together in a group setting
- Engaging in make believe play
- Express knowledge of their every day life and environment through play
- Developing new ideas and sharing them with peers
- Try new and challenging things
- Use a variety of strategies to solve different types of problems
- Show increase in independence
- Maintaining focus and attentiveness
- Developing a sense of belonging to a group
- Gaining self-esteem and self-confidence
- Form and maintain friendships
- Show awareness that their actions affect others
- Using words to express a range of emotions and needs
- Building large muscle control, balance, strength, stamina, and coordination
- Engage in activities to enhance hand-eye coordination
- Following simple, multi-step directions
- Communicate in longer, more complex sentences
- Engage in reading behaviors independently
- Participate in experiences with songs, poems, and books
- Demonstrate interest in learning the alphabet
- Engaging in writing behaviors that imitate real-life situations
- Using a variety of writing tools with purpose and to express creativity
- Exhibiting responsibility and maintaining self-control
- Showing appreciation for people different than themselves
- Showing understanding of numbers and quantities in play
- Completing a task
Curriculum Map – 4’s (September – December)
Curriculum Map – 4’s (January – May)
The 4-year old classes will participate in the following activities during the year:
- Creating original artwork
- Using blocks and accessories to create structures and engage in pretend play
- Hearing God’s word in Chapel
- Preparing special snacks
- Going on field trips
- Celebrating birthdays and holidays
- Moving to music and rhythms
- Sharing with the class
- Playing and exploring outdoors
- Learning and engaging in rhymes and stories
- Playing games and completing more complex puzzles
- Learning about their world through science
The 4-year old classes will strengthen their development in the following:
- Discovering things that interest them and sharing them with peers
- Asking questions to find out more about things that interest them
- Use what they know from past experiences to understand what is happening in the present
- Develop and sustain more complex pretend play
- Use more complex and varied language
- Make up stories, songs, or dances for fun
- Approach new challenges independently
- Evaluate different strategies to solve a problem
- Show increasing independence and purpose when making decisions
- Set simple goals
- Consistently remaining engaged in activity
- Seeking help from others to complete a challenging activity
- Expressing awareness of self
- Form positive relationships with new teachers and peers
- Using language to sustain conversation
- Form and maintain friendships with peers
- Play and interact cooperatively
- Follow social rules, transitions, and routines
- Effectively express a variety of emotions and independently manage feelings effectively most of the time
- Show awareness of others and their feelings
- Building large muscle control, strength, stamina, coordination, and balance
- Perform more complex movements
- Use language to identify needs
- Develop awareness of basic safety rules
- Follow more detailed multi-step direction
- Initiate and participate in more complex conversation
- Using language and nonverbal cues to express themselves
- Speaking in full sentences that are grammatically correct
- Engaging in reading behaviors independently and with increased focus
- Independently engage in writing behaviors
- Use a variety of writing tools with increase precision
Curriculum Map 2020-21 – TK (September – December)
Curriculum Map 2020-21 – TK (January – May)
For 5-year olds (as of October 31)
Purpose and Skills Development
Our goal is to prepare children for the challenges of a full-day Kindergarten class by expanding social/emotional and independence skills, pre-reading, writing, science, and math skills.
The Transition Class strengthen their development in the following:
- Sharing readily and taking turns
- Working in groups or by self
- Developing further independent skills
- Following established rules and limits
- Taking responsibility for personal needs
- Developing gross motor skills
- Manipulating small parts and objects
- Holding markers and pencils correctly
- Writing the alphabet
- Using appropriate vocabulary for weight, height, width, length and texture
- Asking questions
- Speaking in complex sentences
- Following directions with multiple steps
- Knowing days of week, months and seasons in order
- Sorting and matching various objects
- Understanding and completing simple math problems
- Continuing to develop and using their math skills in problem solving and mathematical reasoning
- Developing and demonstrating listening and comprehension skills
- Understanding and demonstrating counting to 30
- Knowing and understanding positional words
- Participating in story time and in silent reading
Project Enlightenment
Project Enlightenment is an early childhood education and prevention program of the Wake County Public School System for young children birth through kindergarten. Soapstone is proud of work with Project Enlightenment to provide further resources for our families. Please check back soon for a listing of parent classes offered by Project!
Also, please check out their website for their services:
If you would like more information, please contact Jessica Slessman in the Preschool office.