Pollinator Garden

This past year, many groups have met at the picnic tables behind the sanctuary at the far end of our parking lot. Now, that little patch of grass is poised to welcome even more participants in God’s good creation: butterflies, birds, and other pollinators.
Our Creation Care team planned the garden, soliciting donations from church members as well as free and reduced-price plants from Neuse River Hawks Wildlife Club, Norwood Nursery, Homewood Nursery, and others.
Why a pollinator garden? The area is intended as a symbiotic space in which pollinator insects can eat nectar while collecting and spreading pollen to foster plant reproduction. Our Preschool, Children’s Ministry, and Youth leaders plan to use the garden as an opportunity to learn about God’s creation and its care. Adults are welcome as well! The space is also now a beautiful location for church gatherings and events. It’s where Pastor Mitzi will observe a Blessing of the Animals in October.
Questions or want to get involved with the garden? Fill out the form below and information will be sent to you.