Ages birth through KindergartenA Safe, Fun, Place for All of God’s Little Children

Nursery Care During Worship
Hi families and welcome to Soapstone UMC! We invite you and your little ones to join us in the nursery. We have an infant/toddler and preschool room for any child who has not attended kindergarten yet.
Our nursery rooms, 118 and 116, offer care for infants, toddlers, and children who have not yet started kindergarten. Each nursery space has age-appropriate toys. Some of our favorites include, but are not limited to, magnet tiles, Legos, a doll house with family, and a kitchen set.
Currently, we are using just one room, 118, due to smaller attendance, although our second nursery space is always available if we have an influx of children and need more space. We look forward to a time where we need more space for more friends.
Fun things to plan your visit!
When dropping your child off in the nursery, there will be a clipboard where families can leave their contact information, allergies, and anything else you feel our caregivers should be aware of. Hooks are available just outside of the classroom for diaper bags and backpacks. There is a diaper changing station and pack-n-play available for our small visitors. You are always welcome to bring a snack and water bottle from home for your child if you would prefer. Although the nursery also has snacks on hand like gold fish, cereal, and Rice Krispy treats if needed. Nursery helpers are available Sunday mornings to greet you with a warm welcome and a listening ear for any additional questions or concerns.