The NC State Fair starts this Thursday, October 14 and an emergency call has gone out for volunteers to work in the Ride Ticket Booths!

 The Capital District has been contacted by the NC State Fair to help the Baptists on Mission to fill ticket seller slots for the Ride Ticket Booths throughout the fairgrounds.  For every slot filled by someone with the United Methodist Church, a donation will be made to Conference’s Disaster Relief fund to help with disaster relief. When you sign up – BE SURE TO PUT “UMC” BEHIND YOUR LAST NAME so our hours can be tracked for the donation!

 For each shift worked our Conference Disaster Relief fund will receive between $50 – $75 per volunteer / shift. (Range based on if all or most of the slots are filled and extra is given if there are NOT many errors (i.e. shortages) 

 Shifts are 10 am – 4:30 pm and 4:30 pm – 11:30 pm each day.  Volunteers do receive breaks and must be at least 18 years old.  16/17 year olds can work with a parent or guardian in the same booth.  All volunteers should report one hour before their shift for training.

 To see the sign up link in this email to see available dates and times, CLICK HERE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE SIGN UP .  

 You will receive a free ticket for the Fair and will also receive a free parking pass. The Ride Ticket Sellers are to park inside Gate 5 as STAFF.  

 Once you sign up for a shift, you will receive additional information from  If you have questions or need more information, please contact Tom Beam at 919.459.5605.