Soapstone UMC Serves

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

Soapstone UMC Serves
On Saturday, March 2, 2024 we partnered with five organizations in our community.  There were a number of ways to volunteer and all ages could help.  Soapstone church members could go outside the walls of the church and make an impact on the community for the Kingdom of God. This year we served Baileywick Elementary, Rise Against Hunger, FIGS, the SUMC Pollinator Garden, and The Happiness Ministry.
Read more about each below!
Here are a few pictures from the event.

Baileywick Teacher Supplies
Teachers spend hundreds of dollars of their own money every year buying materials to make learning fun and attractive for their students. The items on this list are some of those items. Your help for the teachers at Baileywick is always appreciated!!

Baileywick Student Snacks
Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to school each day but for some families that is something they just can’t afford, especially right now with grocery prices so high. The guidance counselor keeps snacks in her office for those students who need them. Please help us keep her snack supply stocked. The students really appreciate it!!
Drop off all donations to the
Norwood Foyer from 10 am – 12pm.

Filling In Gaps (“FIGS”) of Wake County
Did you know 12 out of every 100 Wake County residents are uninsured? On March 2 we’ll be working with Filling In Gaps (“FIGS”) of Wake County to serve the underinsured and uninsured of Wake County by building kits with medical necessities like Tylenol, first aid kits and thermometers. FIGS will bring the supplies and we’ll build the kits, which will be delivered to Family Promise and the largest food pantry in Eastern North Carolina (Catholic Charities Food Pantry Services). FIGS has found that every dollar donated to the creation of these kits has a $7.33 benefit to local healthcare, as it helps recipients avoid costly trips to urgent care or the ER. Join us in helping make a difference for this underserved population! 

Rise Against Hunger
Register Here.

Everything at Rise Against Hunger (RAH) starts with a meal. RAH’s work starts with a meal but it does not end there. RAH uses the meals to create resiliency, self-sufficiency, education, empowerment, and bright futures in communities worldwide.

The meals are used for crisis such in early 2022, Ukraine faced a refugee crisis due to the ongoing conflict. In response to the conflict, RAH provided thousands of nourishing meal kits and supplies to those affected and displaced from their homes in collaboration with its global partners.

RAH has been making meals for 25 years to help communities meet their basic needs. In 2022 alone, 44 million meals were packaged. On March 2nd, Soapstone will be packaging 10,000 meals. As RAH says, it starts with a meal, and it starts with you.

Pollinator Garden
This past year, many groups have met at the picnic tables behind the sanctuary in our pollinator garden, which was planned by our Creation Care team with donations from church members and from various nurseries and organizations in the area. It has welcomed even more participants in God’s good creation: butterflies, birds, and other pollinators.

Why a pollinator garden? The area is intended as a symbiotic space in which pollinator insects can eat nectar while collecting and spreading pollen to foster plant reproduction. Our Preschool, Children’s Ministry, and Youth leaders use the garden as an opportunity to learn about God’s creation and its care. Adults are welcome as well! For Mission Madness we will continue maintaining the garden by spreading soil conditioner and mulch as we prepare the garden for spring. 

Special Winter Games
The Happiness Ministry will be hosting a winter games event during Mission Madness. This event will be held upstairs in the afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm. The participants will be participating in different winter games from curling to snowball fights. This event is for youth and adults with special needs.
Sign up to participate in the Special Winter Games here.
(Use the Mission Madness sign-up above to volunteer)
The Happiness Ministry was created in 2021 with money from the seed grant provided by the United Methodist Church. This ministry focuses on children, youth, and adults with special needs. Throughout the year they provide activities and events for this group. Some events include AFOs for youth and adults, an Easter egg hunt, Children’s carnivals, and sensory services.