Soapstone UMC offers two opportunities to gather with others who understand and who can help you survive the holidays with greater peace.

Surviving the Holidays: Two Offerings for those Seeking Solace
By Mitzi Johnson 

I’ll never forget the year my family ate our Thanksgiving meal at a free outdoor community event hosted by the owners of a local pub. Our contribution to the potluck was a dish of asparagus steamed in a hotel microwave. A family member was gravely ill, and our usual feast was simply out of the question. For most, Thanksgiving is a time of turning to God in gratitude and Advent a time to celebrate the hope, love, joy, and peace of Jesus’ incarnation. But for those struggling with loss, grief, or sadness, the holidays can make an inner darkness feel even darker.  If this resonates with you, Soapstone UMC offers two opportunities to gather with others who understand and who can help you survive the holidays with greater peace. 

Surviving the Holidays Workshop
November 18, at 2 pm, Room 101/103
Register here.

This free workshop is led by our GriefShare leaders who will provide practical tips and information on facing the holidays and who will greet your feelings with warmth and compassion. 

The Longest Night Worship Service
Wednesday, Dec 20 at 6:30 pm at our Chapel located at 10301 Old Creedmoor Road
Rev. Jon Tschanz, preaching; Rev. Mitzi Johnson, liturgist 

This candlelit service on the longest, ‘darkest’ night of the year provides a safe place of rest and comfort, regardless of the type of challenge or loss you are facing. Candles, meditative music, psalms of lament, prayers for healing, and blessings create a welcoming worship space and the recognition that Jesus Christ walks with us always. No registration necessary. 

If you know someone who needs a safe and comforting place to learn and reflect this season, why not invite them and be present with them at one of the above events? Your compassion might well be the most important gift they receive this year.