Lay Leadership, Committees, Councils, & Teams
2023/2024 Church Council Priority
To live fully into our identity as a Christian community that practices habits of hospitality
and encircles all who we encounter with Christ’s love.
Adult Council
Jennifer Johnson, Co-Chair
Bill Poston, Co-Chair
Supports the church’s Adult Ministries by providing Discipleship classes, small groups, and programs/activities for college age and up. Often helps coordinate all-church fellowship events.
Audit Committee
Mike Radulovich, Chair
The Audit Committee provides ongoing review of the church’s financial data and related processes to create full transparency and eliminate any financial data errors. Reports to the Annual Conference each August.
Board of Trustees Committee
Harrold Fanning, Chair
Cares for physical resources (buildings and grounds of Norwood property and Chapel) and legal matters of the church; Reports annually to Charge Conference about the state of the church’s property, equipment, investment, and resources.
Children’s Council
Becca Manchester, Chair
Supports the church’s Children’s Ministries by providing Discipleship and fellowship opportunities for those birth through fifth grade. Oversees nursery, Sunday School, VBS, and seasonal activities such as Trunk or Treat and the Live Nativity.
Church Council
Laurie Rose, Chair
The church’s “executive” council that guides and furthers the ministries of the congregation by envisioning, planning, implementing, and evaluating the congregation’s ministry and mission. Three “at-large” members join the chair, co-chair, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference, Lay Leader, and Chairs of Finance, Trustees, and SPRC, and staff.
Congregational Care
Donna Mayo, Chair
Works as a team, along with the ministerial staff, to assure that needs of the congregation are addressed in a personal and confidential manner. Assists with hospital and home visitation, meal preparation and delivery, funeral receptions, new moms, prayer shawls, intercessory prayer, and card ministries.
Endowment Committee
Jay Plummer, Chair
Responsible for the oversight, management, and governance of both the church’s endowment funds and the investment funds for the general budget. Works in conjunction with the Trustees, Finance Committee and Church Council, as needed.
Finance Committee
Ann Jones, Chair
The Finance Committee nurtures the financial vitality of the congregation, thinking missionally about budgeting and stewardship. This involves financial transparency, by sharing clear, easy to understand financial reports with members; implementing a strong system of internal controls; and providing for an annual audit of the financial reports. They must
Hospitality & New Members Committee
Carol Van Buskirk, Sr., Chair
Viv Jones, Vice Chair
This panel of greeters creates a welcoming experience for guests that connects them from the first time they attend worship through their attendance in the Connection Class.
Lay Leadership and Nominations Committee
Rev. Dr. Suzanne Cobb Chair
Debbie Allen, Lay Leader
Recruits, trains, nurtures, and develops leaders for key lay leadership positions in the church including all chairs and members of other committees.
Missions Committee
Donna Robinson, Co-Chair
John Litsas, Co-Chair
Provides opportunities for outreach and mission for adults and youth in areas such as housing and food insecurity, congregations for children, emergency response, home building and repair, blood drives, ZOE partnership, and more. Selects and oversees special offerings for United Methodist causes and other local causes.
Preschool Advisory Committee
Sarah Coggins, Chair
Provides advisory support to the Preschool Director; considers and makes recommendations related to the Soapstone UMC Preschool mission “to guide, educate, and nurture children in a creative Christian environment.” Areas of advisement may include but are not limited to staffing, policies and procedures, and preschool families, preschool equipment, and budget.
Staff Parish Committee (SPRC)
Minnie Dukes, Chair
Administers the relationship between clergy, staff, congregation, and the District Superintendent in support of the church’s mission. Encourages, strengthens, nurtures, and supports the pastor, staff and their families. Assesses clergy and staff effectiveness and establishes salaries and benefits.
Worship, Music & Arts Committee
Kay Boone, Chair
Supports the Pastors and Music leadership by planning and shaping worship and the worship environment in which people experience the presence of God and grow in the knowledge of God. The committee coordinates ushers, lay readers, communion stewards and servers, altar flowers, and the altar guild.
Youth Council
Juia Woodward, Chair
Rebecca Barry, Vice Chair
Adult and youth members serve young people entering Middle School through High School by facilitating a program for youth to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, principles, and values. Key programs include Sunday School, Confirmation,Youth Group, camps, and retreats.