Christmas Challenge
What is the Soapstone UMC Christmas Challenge?This is a challenge for our congregation to recognize how blessed we are to live here in the Raleigh area. It is a chance to donate in honor of someone instead of purchasing a gift. It is a way to ask others to donate on your behalf instead of receiving a gift. It is a way to think outside the gift wrapping of Christmas and to remember the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of our Savior who lived outside of the norm and focused on the needy. We have a chance to make a real difference through this offering.

The 2024 challenge considers other people and their needs during this time of Advent.
Our challenge is geared around:
• realizing how blessed we are
• looking outward towards the needs of others
• praying for others in need
Family Promise
FP is moving families who are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness into sustainable, permanent housing in our community through a continuum of support services. We also partner with them for the Giving Tree and a week of meals for their residents during Christmas. To read more about Family Promise click here.
Methodist Home for Children
Their mission, in service to God, is to build upon the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual strengths of children, youth, and families, and to affirm their worth.
North Carolina Relief
Resources will be dedicated to providing comprehensive humanitarian aid to individuals and communities in North Carolina who have experienced significant life-changing events. This support will include a variety of services, such as the repair and restoration of homes, to help those affected rebuild their lives and regain stability. By addressing both immediate and long-term needs, this initiative aims to foster recovery and resilience during challenging times.
How do I give to the Soapstone Christmas Challenge?
There are three EASY ways to do this:
• Drop by the Narthex during December and stop by the Christmas Challenge table. You can drop off your donation and earmark it for any of the ministries.
• Go online, (click here) select the Christmas Challenge, and note which ministry you want to support from the drop-down menu.
• Put your donation in the offering plate at the Christmas eve service and note what ministry you want to support.