Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Greg Cain TODAY I DANCED FOR A GOAT. I always keep a journal when I travel. The first sentence from Tuesday, August 20, 2019, is the highlight from a day chock-full of vivid memories. We are out to visit two teams that have come together at one mountainous location...
Apr 2, 2020 | Adult, Misson
“Our mission is to help families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.”Family Promise Needs You! Help Prepare & Deliver Meals. SUMC is excited to partner with Family...
Jan 8, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Soapstone will collect snacks for children at our partner school, Baileywick Elementary, September 8th- 29th.We need low-sugar, individually wrapped snacks. Examples but not limited to:Goldfish, Cheerios, Pretzel Sticks, Animal Crackers, and Graham Crackers.Donations...