Feb 8, 2021 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
We will have a Reverse Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 16 (Fat Tuesday) to provide some needed items to the Food Bank. Drop off shelf-stable milk, syrup, canned fruit, or “just add water”-style pancake mix… all the things we would normally use...
Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Isaiah’s Journey Ann MacCormac and Ella Fischer Isaiah, 17 years old, had little schooling and no job skills, but needed to provide for his siblings, one of whom was mentally handicapped due to chronic malnutrition. When my daughter and I travelled to Kenya in...
Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Meeting MelissaDebbie Allen Several years back, I traveled with ZOE to Zimbabwe. We went from place to place meeting with different working groups and seeing how they were succeeding with businesses and plans. At one of the locations, our guide and the case manager...
Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Rwanda trip 2009Sharon Foster, MD I was privileged to go on a ZOE Medical mission trip to Rwanda in 2009, fifteen years after the genocide. There were 16 members of the team lead by Susan Graebe. This was my first trip to Africa and it began a love affair with this...
Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Hope in their faces Todd Smith I’ve talked many times about ZOE and what an amazing success it is in transforming the lives of children. I see the numbers and at times realize it seems a little too good to be true. Tens of thousands of children’s lives altered with...
Nov 10, 2020 | Adult, Children, Misson, Youth
Haiku — The GoatLaurie Cain Many miles from here We traveled to meet our friends Enormous welcome Stories, songs, dancing Swept over/around/through us Wide hearts brimmed over The gift of a goat Hearty measure to bestow Staunch faith in command A wave of bright...