A Note from Ms. Jess

October 7, 2022 My children are going through a stage in which they only speak with a British accent at home.  Let me be clear –  it’s their version of a British accent and most likely terribly offensive to any British person I know.  On Friday,...

A Note from Ms. Jess

September 16, 2022 My daughter turned 9 a couple weeks ago, and she desperately wanted a Harry Potter-themed sleepover party for her and her closest friends. Me, having been a 9-year-old-girl many moons ago, remembered nostalgically about going to sleepovers and...

A Note from Ms. Jess

August 30, 2022 Sometimes it’s hard to balance my act between a preschool director and a mom.  Ms. Jess the preschool director?  She knows what kids need developmentally, can spout statistics about when hand muscles form and why we focus on social and emotional...
Coffee with the Pastor

Coffee with the Pastor

Parents of Preschoolers, join Pastor Mitzi Johnson and other church staff for coffee and conversation about Soapstone UMC, especially our ministries that relate to families with children. Sign up here We will meet Monday, March 7, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Room 200. We...