Legacy Giving

A legacy is an action or expression that you do today that will live on in the future. A legacy is sometimes referred to as a memory marker of your life. Everyone wants to have a life with meaning. Part of that meaningful life can be to live on in the memory of...

Estate Planning

Part of a becoming a “good and faithful steward” is to create a good plan for your estate. A legacy of love and care for your family, friends and others is important and can be another wonderful chapter in the book of your life! A good estate plan will be appreciated...

Endowment Funds

Please consider part of your stewardship and spiritual giving two of the recently created endowments funds that benefit our missions, ministries, and continued Christian worship at Soapstone UMC. The reasons for giving are many and varied. Simply put, God has blessed...

Lent At Home Bags

“Lent at Home” Bags Available for pick up at the church beginning January 31. Please help us by distributing bags to groups in which you lead or participate. As a part of each Lenten online worship service, you are invited to participate in a scripted ritual that...

We will have a Reverse Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 16 (Fat Tuesday) to provide some needed items to the Food Bank. Drop off shelf-stable milk, syrup, canned fruit, or “just add water”-style pancake mix… all the things we would normally use...
Daily Lenten Devotionals

Daily Lenten Devotionals

This year’s Lenten Devotional, written by Soapstone members and friends, will high light personal stories and understandings of healing. Let these daily devotions take you deeper in your faith journey during this season of reflection. Pick up a printed copy at...