Need a name tag? We’d love to create a personalized name tag for you. Please fill out the information below, and we’ll make one just for you Name Email Address Please type the first and last names exactly how you want it printed on your name tag. Need one for others...
Lenten Study This Lent, take time to reflect on justice, poverty, freedom, and love. Join us for a six-week Lenten study using the book“The Final Days” by Matt Rawle. Sundays, 9:45 am, during the Sunday School hour, Room 200. Using the book “The Final Days” by Matt...
Therapeutic Horticulture Special session for our Wonderfully Made Class! The NC State Extension Master Gardeners of Wake County invite youth and adult uniquely abled friends to a special event to explore interest in ongoing sessions. Our Therapeutic Horticulture...
Palm Sunday Easter Cantata April 13, 2025 Soapstone’s Cantata Choir and Orchestra will present, From “Amazing Love! Recalling Christ’s Sacrifice” music by Lloyd Larson and Joel Raney during the 8:30 and 11:00 am worship services on April 13....
Soapstone UMC Serves And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 Soapstone UMC Serves Join us on Saturday, March 1, for an unforgettable day of service and community spirit!Sign up here. Rise Against...