Three recent events have once again caused us to lament violence directed at children, their families, and those who care for them. We grieve for Nashville’s Covenant School and the loss of six people killed there by a mass shooter. We grieve with those at a Raleigh church who recently came forward with allegations of abuse against minors at the church. Lastly, a young mother recently entered SUMC through an unlocked door at night to seek assistance. The woman was not a threat; however, her access to the building reminds us of the need to follow security protocols. Below are steps we are taking to protect children in our church and community and some ways you can help. Questions may be directed to where they may be redirected to Church Council or our Trustees.
1. Active Shooter Training: Preschool Director Jess Slessman and the Preschool Advisory Committee has partnered with the NC SBI and Alert to provide active shooter training on Monday, April 10, 2023, 1 pm, room 200. The training is open to any church member/constituent. Please register here. We will discuss evacuation, sheltering in place, and will conduct a walk-through of our physical property to assess any necessary changes and begin the process of strengthening our written response plan. Our preschool teachers, pastor, and some Trustees will attend, and a video will be made to train staff and others.
2. Minors in the Building: Children should never be unattended in the building. Please accompany your children if they need to leave worship for any reason. Our current policy allows for those in grades 6-12 to move around the building without supervision to get from place to place.
3. Securing Our Doors: The Norwood and rear doors of the church are controlled electronically and are typically set to be open for about 10 minutes before an after meetings and events. This will continue. The Old Creedmoor narthex entrance must be locked and unlocked manually; therefore, our Church Council has asked for these doors to remain locked on Sunday nights when youth and children’s programming is in session. (Please use the Norwood entrance on Sunday evenings.) Further, the narthex doors should remain locked any time they cannot be monitored well. Our directors will make the decision for their programs.
4. Safe Sanctuaries Policy: Our Safe Sanctuary Policy for the protection of children, youth, and vulnerable adults is reviewed annually by Church Council. It is due for review. Family Ministries Director Danny Peck is contacting a Safe Sanctuaries Policy representative from the NCCUMC to provide an external review; then we will form an internal committee to make revision recommendations to Church Council. Our training will then be updated. In keeping with our current policy, we are also in the process of forming a standing Safe Sanctuaries Team to review any violations complaints or grievances.
5. Cameras: Our church uses cameras/recorded video to monitor many church doors and hallways. The film is monitored in the church and preschool offices.
6. The UMC and Gun Violence: Want to go beyond “thoughts and prayers”? Read about the UMC’s “Our Call to End Gun Violence”, Book of Resolutions #3248 (2016).