Farewell to Pastor Mitzi Johnson
You are cordially invited to attend a reception after either service on Sunday, December 22 to honor Pastor Mitzi. She and Gordon will be in the Narthex to greet you and give you time to share your well-wishes with both of them. As we say our goodbyes, there are several ways we can choose to honor Mitzi and show our appreciation. Cards and notes are very special to Mitzi, and there will be a basket available to place yours in.
Christmas Challenge is dear to Mitzi’s heart. You may wish to honor her by making a contribution in her name to one of these three organizations – Methodist Home for Children, Family Promise, and NC Relief, which are all special to Mitzi. Your gifts in her name will touch her heart. Also, there will be time at the reception for you to share words of appreciation, tell a funny story or share a special experience or memory you have of Mitzi.
Thank you for your support and participation in this gesture of gratitude and thankfulness to Mitzi for a job well done at Soapstone. We will miss her, but know that her wish for us is that we always know Christ’s love and offer it to others along our way.