Pastor Mitzi and Dr. Jon extend our Lenten scriptures through biblical teaching and interactive discussion of practical ways to cultivate, courage, trust, forgiveness, love, and vulnerability and let go of habits that separate us from God and others on Wednesday nights, March 9— April 6, 6:30 –7:30 p.m. in room 200. Childcare is available with advance registration. Sign up here to join this group.
Each Wednesday in this series of conversations related to our Lenten sermon series, we’ll address a new “Cultivating and Letting Go” theme which we’ll extend thorough Biblical scholarship on the passage, outside resources, and personal experience.
We’ll also introduce practical applications which we’ll challenge you to take up throughout the week, allowing time the following week to discuss how things went. Sunday’s sermon will elaborate on the theme in a different way and serve as further encouragement. Walk-ins welcome; however, advance sign-up is helpful.
Week 1: March 9, Luke 13:31-35
Cultivating Courage and Letting Go of Fear
Mitzi will introduce the series, focusing on developing spiritual practices and habit formation. We’ll discuss ways of facing fear and explore the ancient practice of praying the scriptures.
Week 2: March 16, Luke 13:1-9
Cultivating Trust in God’s Goodness and Letting Go of
Easy Answers
Jon will lead a discussion about theodicy and we’ll cultivate practices for developing wonder, even in the midst of difficult times.
Week 3 March 23, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Cultivating Forgiveness and Letting Go of Selfishness
Mitzi will expand on forgiveness and reconciliation as shown in scripture, and we’ll roleplay ways of asking for forgiveness and avoiding conflict through the use of “I” language.
Week 4 March 30, John 12:1-8
Cultivating Lavish Love and Letting Go of Judging Others
Jon will cover topics of empathy and compassion, and show us how to grow these through generous listening and offering the gift of presence.
Week 5 April 6, Luke 19:28-40
Cultivating Vulnerability and Letting Go of Self-Control
Mitzi will draw on scripture and Brene Brown’s research to offer practical ways of building authentic relationships, and our ability to use artistic endeavors to learn to relinquish control.