Please help us update our records by completing a one-question form by October 5, 2023 and letting us know whether you would like to remain a member of Soapstone UMC or withdraw your membership.

Help us connect with “missing” members and clean up our membership roll.
We have almost 700 inactive members on our roll dating back to the 1980s. We have lost touch with many of them due to geographic relocation, death, old contact information, or other reasons. The best ways to help are to invite them back to worship or ask them to complete the above “Soapstone UMC Statement of Membership Form” for themselves.
Alternatively, you can complete the form below yourself to help us reconnect or understand their status (e.g. they have moved away, died, or joined or attend another church). 
Our goal is to keep all people on our roll who desire to remain a part of the Soapstone UMC family, and to reintegrate them into the life of our church. We ONLY remove a person from our role under these circumstances:
  1. They personally request to withdraw their membership; OR
  2. We verify that they have transferred to another UMC or regularly attend a non-UMC church; OR
  3. If we have lost contact with a member and have tried all reasonable means of reaching them, we may remove them by Charge Conference action by reading their name aloud at three consecutive charge conferences over a two-year period.